very bad quality .The sewing was carelesly done , and the measurements were ubnormal . I ordered the same size for many sets but they came with diffetent sizes each even though the label was of the same size . the suplier was ignorant of my complain and gave unreasonable explanations . please save your money , i havent been able to resell that stock to date.

Respuesta del proveedor:
1.Many thanks for your unrealistic comments.
2.And thank you for your many sets order. you said many sets, but in the fact you ordered our in stcock available products and totally only 15sets (Pink - 5pcs 4XL , Red - 5pcs 4XL & blue - 5pcs 4XL),i think you know what's the quantity you ordered.
3.Please check the attached pictures,we have already sent you our in stock size chart, then you choose the size by yourself. said we ignore your complain,but we already replied at the first time,you can look the attached picture for the records,that's you never reply us. That's you ignore our relply.
When you can't find the goods from your forwarder, we always helped you many times to contact your the fact that's your own forwarder,you should contact with them by yourself,we have no responsibility to help you do that,but we always helped you,then you got the goods.
You shouldn't forget my help to you, it makes me feel cold,then no one will help you in future.
01 Mar 2025